What you won’t find on a blog or in a book: Direct instruction from a pro

In my last post, I linked to some good online resources for writers, pointing out how in many instances these were as good as (or better than) some books you might dish out a small pile of money for in a bookstore. What neither a book nor a website can compete with, however, is having a pro actually share their knowledge with you directly, answering your questions and clarifying their points. Kind of like how in my day job, no textbook, however great, can substitute for a good teacher in the front of the room.

I have a wishlist of writing courses/programs I’d love to attend someday, if timing and finances work out . . . Viable Paradise, OSC’s Literary Boot Camp, Clarion, Writer’s of the Future, etc. VP is always during my school year, though, and at six weeks (and around four grand) either Clarion is a bit of a stretch. Maybe once the kids are out of school.

Thanks to living in the future, though, I may have found the next best thing. Author Cat Rambo, who has sold nearly a hundred short stories, been shortlisted for various awards, and served as editor of Fantasy Magazine as well as several anthologies, is offering a series of writing classes through the magic of Google+ Hangouts. Before now, when was it ever so easy for people all over the country—heck, all over the world—to learn directly from a successful author, face to face?

Here’s a direct link to more information about the various workshops Rambo is offering in the near future. I’ll be taking the Flash Fiction one on January 28th, since writing tighter is something I’ve been focused on for some time. (My computer is not actually equipped to do hangouts, since I don’t have a webcam or mic, but I’ll be borrowing one for the occasion.) Why don’t you join me—or take some other workshop?

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