Running out of gas

So yeah, I got to the point where I could run a half hour without needing to stop to walk, which is still kind of unfathomable to me when I think about it. In December, IIRC, I ran my first 5K. Since then, I’ve run in . . . . . . six more. Through the magic of age brackets and being at the bottom age of mine and 5K’s being too short for *serious* runners, I’ve actually managed to place in my bracket in three of those—actually, I *won* my bracket twice! Again, it’s unlikely anybody reading this can grasp just how absurd that is to write. I’ve never been able to run more than a third of a mile or so . . . not in high school when I was on the swimming and football teams, not in my twenties when I was skinny. And I was literally the slowest person on the football team.

I’ve lost a lot of weight. Here—before and after pics:

The photo on the left is from 2014, and I weighed around 270 pounds. The one on the right is from last June, and I weighed somewhere in the ballpark of 205. I’m around 200 pounds right now.

I have a lot of complicated thoughts and feels about the weight, about the messages we send about weight and weight loss, about body image, and about how to become capable of running when you’re abled but not in good physical condition, but I’m not going to try to put them all in order right now. I imagine they’ll come out bit by bit as I process them.

For now, though, there’s a snapshot of what’s up with my life. See? Plenty has happened since “Duck Duck God” came out. 🙂


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